Company Restructures

What is the purpose of capital restructuring?

Capital restructuring refers to a range of actions undertaken by a company with the purpose of making changes to the capital structure of that company. The reasons companies may need to restructure their capital can include:

  • to enhance shareholder or business value
  • in reaction to changed market conditions and competition, and
  • to finance growth plans for the company.

What capital restructuring services can Castle help with?

Castle Corporateā€™s expert corporate secretarial team can assist you with a range of capital restructuring services, including:

  • capital reduction
  • share buy backs
  • conversion of shares to another class
  • creation of a new class of share
  • rollovers
  • share division or consolidation, and
  • redemption of redeemable preference shares.


For a full breakdown of all fees related to capital restructures, see our secretarial price list.

Company Restructures

What is a Company Restructure? Generally, a company undergoes a restructure if it needs to: enhance shareholder or business value adapt to changing market conditions or competitive pressures attract additional equity become a more bankable organisation return capital to shareholders … Continued