ABNs - Business names

  • What if I have already registered my business name?
  • Does my order include an ABN and a TFN?

ACNs - Company names

  • Why is my company name on my paperwork in title case, but in capitals on my Certificate of Registration?
  • Can I change my company name?
  • How do I change my company name?
  • What is an ACN?
  • Can I use my ACN as my company name?
  • Can I choose any name for my company?

Common seals

  • Why are common seals no longer included in company packages?


  • What is a CAS file?
  • Why is my company name on my paperwork in title case, but in capitals on my Certificate of Registration?
  • When is the best time to deregister your company?
  • Why are common seals no longer included in company packages?
  • How many shareholders do I need in a company?
  • What is a public officer?
  • Do I have to provide the residential address of all officers?
  • Can a person under 18 be an officer of an Australian company?
  • Do I have to have a secretary?
  • What do company directors do? Can I just appoint a spouse or a friend as a director?
  • Why does a director have to be resident of Australia?
  • Can I form a company with one director?
  • Do you provide a common seal? Do I need one?
  • What are the replaceable rules?
  • Do you provide a constitution?
  • Who can register an Australian company?
  • What are the legal elements of a company?
  • What makes a company, a company?

Company restructures

  • What is the normal process for a capital reduction?
  • What is the procedure for a share buy back?
  • What types of shares can I buy back?
  • What is the difference between beneficially held and non-beneficially held shares?
  • What classes of shares do you allow for?
  • Who can hold shares in a company?

Discretionary trusts

  • Does your discretionary trust deed cover the issues raised in the Bamford case?
  • What is a discretionary trust?
  • Who are the beneficiaries in a discretionary trust?
  • What does the appointor do in a discretionary trust?
  • What does the trustee do in a discretionary trust?
  • What does the settlor do in a discretionary trust?


  • What is a CAS file?
  • Why doesn't my old login work on your website?
  • The 'Submit' button on your PDF order forms aren't working. Why?
  • How can I check the status of my order?
  • What happens once I have submitted my order form? How long does it take?
  • What types of payment do you accept? Do I have to pay when I order?
  • Do I have to register to place an order online?
  • Lots of companies promise to deliver my documents to my inbox immediately. Why can't you be that fast?
  • How long will it take to register my company?

Proprietary Company

  • Why are common seals no longer included in company packages?
  • What classes of shares do you allow for?
  • What is a public officer?
  • Do I have to have a secretary?
  • What do company directors do? Can I just appoint a spouse or a friend as a director?
  • Why does a director have to be resident of Australia?
  • Can I form a company with one director?
  • Do you provide a common seal? Do I need one?
  • What are the replaceable rules?
  • Do you provide a constitution?
  • Who can register an Australian company?
  • What are the legal elements of a company?
  • What makes a company, a company?

Public company limited by guarantee

  • Why are common seals no longer included in company packages?
  • I'm ordering a public company limited by guarantee. Can't I just use the replaceable rules instead of a constitution?
  • What are the rules for a director in a public company limited by guarantee? Can they be paid?
  • What are the membership rules for a public company limited by guarantee?

Self-Managed Super Funds

  • What can't my self-managed super fund invest in?
  • Does my SMSF have to pay stamp duty?
  • Can a member of an SMSF be less than 18 years old?
  • Can members of a super fund be non-Australian residents?
  • What are the advantages of a self-managed super fund?
  • What are the SIS Act conditions for a self-managed super fund?

Stamp duty

  • What is stamp duty and where do you have to pay it?
  • Does my SMSF have to pay stamp duty?


  • Does your discretionary trust deed cover the issues raised in the Bamford case?
  • What can I do if I have lost all stamped copies of my trust deeds?
  • Do you supply charitable trusts?
  • Can a foreign resident be a trustee of trust?
  • Can I set up a trust with my company order?

Unit trusts

  • Who is the trustee of a unit trust?
  • What is a unit holder?
  • What is a unit trust?
  • What's the point of classifying units in a unit trust?

Voluntary deregistration

  • What is the procedure for voluntary deregistration?
  • What is voluntary deregistration?

Voluntary liquidation

  • How can I voluntarily liquidate my company?


  • What are the 'valid characters' that ASIC allows in a company name?
  • What is stamp duty and where do you have to pay it?