
We offer access to a wide variety of high quality trusts, all with flexible deed arrangements.

  • Large selection of trusts
  • Experienced trust advisers
  • Flexible deed arrangements

Our trusts are drafted by in-house tax lawyers and externally reviewed by commercial law firms. The deeds are written in plain, easy to understand language and each deed comes with an explanatory guide to help your client.

 Our Trust Deed

  • Enables flexibility in design
  • Offers flexibility by accommodating various share classes
  • Allows for investment by SMSFs


 We offer the following types of trusts:

Discretionary Trusts

A discretionary trust (often referred to as a family trust) is one of the most common types of trusts in Australia. It provides considerable protection over its assets together with flexibility in sharing the tax burden amongst beneficiaries.


Unit Trusts

A unit trust is similar to a company, in that the unit holders (like shareholders) have a fixed interest in the capital and income of the trust. Just as shares are issued to shareholders in exchange for an appropriate sum of money, units are issued to unit holders.


Farm & Young Farmer Discretionary Trusts

A Farm Discretionary Trust is used where a family wishes to acquire land for primary production and to pass that land to other family members. A farm discretionary trust is usually set up for farm succession planning within a family.


Class Discretionary Trusts

A Class Discretionary Trust is best suited where a shorter term project is to be undertaken between people who have a stable and harmonious relationship.


Class Unit Trusts

A class unit trust is used when the rights between the unit holders are required to be different. The rights of a unit holder are primarily the right to vote, to receive income, to have their capital returned and/or to participate in the capital growth of the trust.


Hybrid Unit Trusts

A hybrid unit trust is used when the persons to benefit from the trust include unitholders and/or legal entities which do not hold units (the beneficiaries).


Bare Trusts

Most limited recourse borrowing arrangements (LRBAs) by self-managed super fundsare established using a bare trust. Due to the complex nature of bare trusts, they are handled by our legal team at Docscentre Legal.

Make a Change to an Existing Trust

There are many changes which may be required during the life of a trust, including making changes to the parties of the trust, the trust deed and winding up the trust.
