What You Need To Know About Director ID Numbers (DINs)

From November 2021, directors will be able to verify their identity as part of a new director ID requirement.  A director ID number will be a 15-digit number that starts with 036, the 3-digit code for Australia.  This measure is … Continued

Reopening After Lockdown

END OF LOCKDOWN With the easing of our most recent three month lockdown last Friday evening, our offices will be open from Wednesday 3 November. We are relieved that some form of normality is now returning and are pleased to … Continued

Full and Proper Names on Companies and Trust Deeds

Banks are becoming very particular about identifying their clients with an extreme emphasis on details, and refusing to open a new account unless the full and proper name of directors and shareholders are used in company and trust documentation.  We … Continued

Choice of Settlor and Consequences

Background As with so many other aspects of conducting business, we are increasingly having to observe international practices and standards.   One such development is The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), a US Act aimed at improving compliance with … Continued

SMSFs to have up to 6 members

The long-touted Bill to increase the maximum number of members of a self-managed superannuation fund finally received royal assent on 22nd June. Effective as from 1st July, 2021, self-managed superannuation funds may now have up to 6 members.   What … Continued