Sale of Castle Businesses A couple of weeks ago, you received a newsletter to let you know that Castle Corporate was being sold to Sequoia Financial Group Limited on Monday, 31st July. However, the end of the financial year and the start … Continued


We are writing to let you know that, effective from Monday, 31st July, Castle Corporate will be sold to Sequoia Financial Group Limited, a company listed on the ASX. The integration of Castle and Sequoia will enable you to reap the … Continued

New Prices For 2023/24

We are pleased to provide you with our price list for the 2023/24 financial year.  The majority of fees remain unchanged although some fees have had to be revisited.  Those fees will particularly apply to:- The stamping of trust deeds.  … Continued

New Prices For 2022/23

Despite the looming prospects of increasing inflation rates and CPI, we want to ensure that your interests (and those of your clients) come first.  Although we were giving some thought to increasing our fees to cover our growing costs of … Continued

Opportunity to Save on Stamp Duty

A little publicised opportunity exists for people who wish to acquire residential property, with a value of $1 million or less in the Local Government Area of the City of Melbourne.  The opportunity relates to the halving or complete waiving … Continued